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Musical group Motor'roll whose songs have already achieved universal recognition is a musical group that was formed in 1994 in Ukraine. A year later, the guys already took part in the popular festival "Chervona Ruta".

From 1990 to 1994, the members of the line-up were constantly changing, but the following members were still selected:

· Igor Lysyi - guitarist.

· Alexander Budnetsky - vocalist.

· Victor Verkhnyatsky - bass guitarist.

· Konstantin Streletsky - drummer.

· Ilya Demba - saxophonist.

The band's debut concert on stage took place in 1994 on May 11. This date is officially considered the band's birthday.

In 1995, the project took the honorable first place in the competitive selection of the Chervona Ruta festival, after which Verkhnyatsky left the musicians. His place was soon taken by bassist Yevgeny Timoshenko.

A year later, Ilya also left the team.

The musicians give a concert at the Ternopil event called "Nothing" and take part in the TV show "Jolly Roger", broadcast in Ternopil.

By the end of the year, the collective will present its debut music collection "Fun of the Patriots", and is actively filming the first video clip for the composition "Revolution".

1997 was remembered for the project by the fact that they got a scratch-master Andrey Zakhar. Thus, the guys become the first rock band in the country to have their own DJ.

A year later, the next collection is washed down at the professional recording studio "Fost Dragon Records".

Andrei Zakhar decides to leave the group, due to the fact that he moves to live in Spain until the end of his days.

Throughout 2000, the project constantly gives concerts, bringing them tremendous success and a huge number of fans.

After the Donetsk concert "Golden Scythian", the group loses Budnetsky.

At that time, Sergei, who plays the guitar, holds the position of guitarist-vocalist. It took quite a while to rework all the material to the vocals of the Jury.

In 2003, the musical band performed together with the project "Vopli Vidoplyasova". The recording of compositions for the newly-made collection continues rapidly, the group is invited to the popular Lviv festival "Alternative".

In 2005, they recorded the track "Eighth Color".

In late spring, the guys presented a new video on the M1 TV channel. After 7 days, "Eighth Color" already occupies a leading position in the twenty best singles of the M1 channel. By the end of the year, collaborating with the creative musicians of MADTWINS, the fans of the group have the opportunity to see an animated video clip for the song A Ya Gulya.

Three years later, in the spring, the collective is already in fact ready a new music collection. At the end of spring, a video clip for the composition "Flame" was filmed.

07/03/08 the presentation of another album of the project - "Colored Dreams" was officially held. A year later, Sergey Karnaukh, who plays the keys, joins the guys. The collective begins to completely revise the style of its show program. From now on, besides all the boring "post grunge", one can hear "bossanova" and "Scapunk". The Motor'roll group invites you to their concerts to listen to their compositions, because the true sound of their talent is understood live. The Motor'roll music group has an official website for everyone who wants to get acquainted with creativity and plans for the future: www. For all those interested in the musical compositions of the Motor'roll group, you can download those of interest on the official website of the group, or on the youtube website.